Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Doctor's Penny

Penny (played by my #1 celebrity crush, Felicia Day) from Joss Whedon's masterpiece Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. NOT FROM BIG BANG THEORY. Seriously, everyone assumes this. Photos taken at my house and edits done by me with Pixlr. Worn at AMKE 2015.

The Holy Roman Empire

This is my Holy Roman Empire costume from the anime Hetalia. Photos taken at my house and edited by me in Pixlr. Worn at AMKE 2015.

Dark Elsa

I am a Jelsa shipper. This means I think that Jack Frost (from Dreamwork's Rise of the Guardians) and Elsa (from Disney's Frozen) would be a cute couple. Because of this my friend and I did a Jack and Elsa couple cosplay. But then we thought, what if they had teamed up with Pitch Black (from Dreamwork's Rise of the Guardian's)? Because "what goes better than cold and darkness"? So this is the resulting cosplay! Dark Elsa! Photos taken at my house (and my friends) and edited by me. Worn to ACEN 2014

Frozen's Elsa

This is my Elsa cosplay. Photo's were shot at my house and editing was done by me in Pixlr. Worn to ACEN 2014 and on Halloween 2014.